About Us
Dear World,
Welcome to the website of Onyx and Blue Corporation and thank you for taking the time to read this short letter from me.
The people responsible for putting together this website have been asking me for months now to write a few words about the company - I have been delaying writing this for as long as I could but finally I ran out of excuses. For a while, I considered firing the people who have been pestering me, but this would have been petty - and my therapist told me I need to work on that. I suppose that it is smarter to keep dedicated intelligent people working on our team - so here it is - my business philosophy and mission statement for Onyx and Blue.
Create beautiful products - sell them at reasonable prices - repeat this process each year.
Have FUN! Let the FUN show in the designs and in the atmosphere and in everything you do in business and in life.
Do what you say you will do and be consistent and honest.
Be as fair to your suppliers as you are to your customers.
Take educated risks -don't be afraid to jump off that diving board.
Know your business and go with your gut.
Enjoy Mexican food (just checking to see if you are paying attention).
I have learned that what goes around comes around - please send a copy of this letter to 25 of your friends - wait for one month and possibly YOU will end up with a shipment of 10 million lead pencils with pink erasers arriving at your doorstep - or maybe you won't.
Hey World - Thanks for listening !!!!!
Daniel Fonfeder
President Onyx and Blue Corporation